In this video, Jay from Wood Finishes Direct will be showing you how to maintain and repair the Manns Extra Tough Interior Varnish.
Extra Tough Varnish FAQ
What is the advantage of a varnish?
Varnishes are tough, hard wearing and easily cleaned. Wood varnish is generally more durable than a wax or oil but is not as easy to maintain or repair if it becomes worn or damaged.
Which is the most durable floor finish?
A varnish is the most hard-wearing finish to use for wood flooring. There are 2-part varnishes available which can be mixed with a hardener prior to application, allowing the two to dry together, thereby creating a much tougher and more durable surface finish.
Can I apply a varnish to my wood without sanding it back to bare wood?
If your wood has been previously varnished, carry out a test area to ensure adhesion and compatibility and then lightly sand to create a key. If the wood has been previously oiled, waxed or polished, then the product would need to be completely removed by sanding back to bare wood or using a suitable wood stripper.

How to Maintain – Manns Extra Tough interior Varnish.
Hi I’m Jay from Wood Finishes Direct, in this video I’m going to be letting you know the best way to clean and maintain the Manns Extra Tough Interior Varnish. This really couldn’t be easier, so let’s jump straight in.
Regular Cleaning
For regular cleaning use the Manns Premier Anti-Bac Cleaner Spray. Just twist the nozzle, spray and wipe with a microfiber cloth. Easy
Deep Cleaning
For marks and scuffs, and deeper stains, again use the Manns Premier Anti-Bac Cleaner Spray. Just let it sit for a bit longer before wiping away.
The maintenance cycle of varnishes roughly 5-10 years depending on traffic or use. When it does come to requiring maintenance, you can’t really patch repair a varnish, so its time to get out the sander and start again. Who doesn’t love a bit of a refresh.
If you need any further technical advice or information about your project why don’t you give us a call or email and put us to the test we are the experts after all . A full list of all the products featured in today’s video will be in the description on YouTube don’t forget to like and subscribe for all future content and as always always do a test area.
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